Not much blogging at the moment, due to a sudden rush of work (hurrah!). That's actual paying work, rather than the filmscript, children's fantasy novel and treatment for an animated kids series that I've currently been working on, all of which are entirely on spec. Good for the soul though - the feeling I get finishing a chapter of the Cabinet, or bashing out a silly road movie script is like nothing else. Sometimes I genuinely get quite giddy.
Thanks to lee for pointing me to the wikipedia page on dolly zooms and GW Richard who printed me off the relevant page from Free Dictionary which will give me an hours reading on the train home, as I'm quite slow with facts.
The quite quite marvellous Danny Stack has responded magnificently to a question I asked him about what to expect when you've written a
space vampire movie in the same week that William Goldman and, say John August have sold space vampire scripts (they haven't, it was just an example). I haven't written a space vampire movie either. One 'Lifeforce' was probably enough (imdb link ommitted entirely deliberately).
Anyway - normal service will be resumed in a week or so, unless something astonishingly entertaining happens in the meantime. Or, you know, I get confused about bowls of beans or something.
ALMOST INSTANT UPDATE: The best DVD review ever. There's something almost classically elegant about it.
or in case you have new info on either of the steves, i hope.
The thing is, "Lifeforce" was an utterly mutilated version of the novel "The Space Vampires", by Colin Wilson, which was actually a cracking read. The problem was that they cut all the interesting bits and turned it into another zombie movie.
I don't know, to be completely honest. I'm GWing all next week, so if I get a definite date I'll put it. Personally I'm assuming they'd want to get the Christmas market, but who knows?
As you've guessed, writers don't get told things like that.
I'd be happy to write a review about it if required.
I meant to say, I've got some old laserdiscs I might send you to review sometime. And some printed punchcards.
Ooh, Incan knot filing system! Always a favourite...
"Really well-formed holes"
Oh, I love those. Can't stand badly-formed ones.
Ok, you know what? I can't deal with this not posting thing. First Here Be Dragons and now you.
What am I supposed to DO with my life?
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