Monday, June 29, 2009

Getting my producer credits

Okay, only 'Associate' Producer, but it still counts. Danny Stack's 'Origin' film project seems to be coming on rather well...

Here's the official website, which, by the way, is the most professional-looking website for a short film I've ever seen, including downloadable press pack, Facebook and Twitter links and a mighty fine gallery.

And if you're wondering where you've seen actor Katy Carmichael before, she played 'Twist' in Spaced.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Well now I can't remember how the original goes.

'The Ace of Spaces, tum te tum, diddly doo'

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We shall call it 'The Snot-B-Gone'

Into Mothercare on Monday, to buy a parasol to fix onto the front of the Blue Kitten's pushchair. However, just as I approached the counter and came to say the word 'parasol', I realised I had never actually said the word aloud before, and became gripped by the fear the store assistant would react thusly:

ASSISTANT: Ooooooh, a parasol! Ai didn't realize ai was working in an boutique for Edwardian ladies! Hark, as I sell the parasol, bracin' meself for the inevitable twirlin' and promenadin' that will inevitably take place! Ooooooh, a parasol! And so on.

So it came out out like:

ME: Excuse me, can you tell me if you sell a *mumbles* parasol, which I can attach to the front of a pushchair?

ASSISTANT gives me an odd look.

ASSISTANT: I'm not sure we really do that sort of thing.
ME: Really?
ASSISTANT: Do you mean maybe a small plastic one?
ME: Well, normal size, for, you know, a parasol.
ASSISTANT: (relieved) Oh! I thought you said 'roundabout'!
ME: ...

Later, this item arrived in the post. I can confirm that in operation, this devise is both DISGUSTING and AWESOME.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

They were distracted by the Pic-n-Mix for about thirty seconds.

I am constantly taken aback by Patroclus' lack of knowledge about SF/Fantasy/Action films of various hue, and regard it as my solemn duty to educate her in the ways of films that involve time travel, zombies, robots, aliens, and sometimes all four at once. She doesn't seem to mind me doing this, and occasionally even tunes in for the last word or two, which is thoughtful.

However, even with my EXPERT TUITION, some allowances for our varying levels of interest in the history of genre movies must perhaps be made, explaining why Patroclus refers to one Guillermo del Toro film as 'Red Bloke' (with its sequel as 'Red Bloke 2'), while 'Reign of Fire' is known in these parts as 'The One With The Dragons And The Tomatoes' - tomatoes being apparently the ideal post-apocalyptic crop in a post dragon-ravaged world. Tragically, Christian Bale's fortress hideout appears to contain no corresponding pots of basil on its post-apocalyptic windowsills, which is perhaps why he got so cross in The Dark Knight when someone moved the light.

Anyway, I have now made a mental note to not even try and talk about this sort of stuff when I'm a bit tired, after the following debacle:

ME: Have you seen 'Underworld'?
PATROCLUS: What's it about?
ME: Sort of... vampires versus wereweres.


PATROCLUS: 'Wereweres'?
ME: I mean woolweres. Werewools. (beat) Woolworths.
PATROCLUS: 'Vampires versus Woolworths'?


ME: Yes.
PATROCLUS: Well that explains a lot.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Golden Silvers - 'Arrows of Eros'

More pop videos, because I've been writing treatments all week (well, some of the week), and can't really find anything interesting to say about it.

This song starts off in a sort of satisfactory way, but then it changes key (if that's the technical term, I don't want to blind anyone with jargon), around the 1:45 mark and becomes something deeper and richer and altogether lovely.

Also I like that the main singer bloke looks like a cross between Peter Serafinowicz and a baby sparrow owl.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Dan Black - 'Symphonies'

Argh, where have I heard that drum loop from? Anyway, great song, and wonderfully detailed video.

EDIT: ah, wait, is it Rhianna's 'Umbrella"?

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Impossibly cool game trailers.

I barely even care what they're for (or that the second one seems to be bigger than my blog) Wait, my techno-spouse appears to have sorted it.

Monday, June 01, 2009

BBC Writers Room Roadshow in Plymouth Tomorrow

Bit short notice but you never know:

"Kate Rowland, Creative Director of New Writing at the BBC will be doing a free roadshow at Theatre Royal, Plymouth on Tuesday 2 June 2009. This is a great chance for anyone interested in writing or interested in finding out how to submit work to the BBC to find out more and ask questions to Kate in person."

More info here

EDIT: confirmation that they are spaces left.