Friday, January 17, 2014

How Opal Slew The Dark Lord: Part Three

Here are the final three pages of the first Bridge and Tunnel comic, scripted by myself, illustrated by Sarah Gordon. Should be some news on where this is going to go next early in Feburary, so keep an eye out. In the meantime, thanks for reading, and for lovely comments on here and on Twitter.

How Opal Slew The Dark Lord: Part Two

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How Opal Slew The Dark Lord: Part One

So here's a nice thing: some time ago, @MikeGarley was pointed in my general direction, with the suggestion that I might like to be involved in his new VS Comics set up. I pitched him an idea that I'd been thinking about for ages, and he put me together with illustrator Sarah Gordon, and we came up with the first issue of Bridge and Tunnel', a six page comic (seven if you count the cover) called 'How Opal Slew The Dark Lord'.

The plan was to do three issues in total, but sadly, after the first one, it quickly become clear that financially, neither Sarah or I could make the commitment to keep it going when we also had to do other jobs that would put food on the table, and with great reluctance, we thought we were going to have to had to let it go (although I did go on to write a story for Dead Roots), which was great because: zombies).

Which meant 'Bridge and Tunnel' was kind of stillborn, because VS Comics couldn't really put out the first of three stories and then say well, sorry, that's your lot. So Sarah and I made something we were both quite proud of, and now we didn't know what to do with it.

Except now there are other ways to do these things, which mean Bridge and Tunnel is going to be continuing in a new, funded, direction, which I can hopefully talk about more next month. Which means, hurrah, we can put the first one out. The images are quite big, so I'm going to split it into three posts of a couple of pages each (I don't want to lose any of Sarah's lovely detail).

So here are the first two pages. LOOK AT THE LOVELY COLOURS.