Thursday, March 31, 2005

This one's from Paula...

... so if anyone's in Waterstone's Canterbury today, pop in and congratulate her.

Nationality -
* Greek

Background -
* loaded

Academic Career to date -
* thirsty for knowledge
* BA (hons) Sculpture
* Central St Martins college, London

Proposal -
* a study of lifestyles of poor, British underclass
* intimate anthropological study of "common people" conducted in situ

Expenses claim -
* field trip to supermarket
* purchase of rum and coke for research assistant
* sundries (ie "fags")

Research aims -
* lie in bed at night
* watch cockroaches climb walls
* dance
* drink
* screw
* have nothing to do
* smoke fags
* play pool
* pretend not to have been to school
* not to laugh at poor people

Potential pitfalls -
* fitting in
* being mistaken for a hated "tourist"
* arousing contempt of research assistant
* research assistant turning out not to be "common" but poncy, middle-class
fashion student on a full grant, replete with standard-issue student
politics, whose masculinity is clearly threatened by his girlfriends'
father's wealth.


Kt said...


patroclus said...

oooh, the sound of a gauntlet being cast to the floor is palpable. Oh wait, can a sound be palpable?

James Henry said...

Well I watched a documentary on sonoluminescense recently, where sound waves passed though tiny bubbles cause minute but incredibly hot explosions. So I reckon yes, but you might burn yourself.