Thursday, May 26, 2005


This Penguin Remixed project sounds great - freed-up audiobook samples available to do with as thou wilt. I haven't played with Garageband for ages, so this might be fun. The last thing I did on it was a melange of Franz Ferdinand, Kylie, Laurie Anderson and Moses* Allison, which to me sounds like the greatest mash-up in the world, but may in reality sound like eight kinds of nonsense. I'll put it up at some point when the shame recedes to a bearable level.

Back in Bayswater this week, which means I can walk to work through Kensington Gardens. The walk's about fifty minutes, so I can listen to an entire album in its entirety each morning - mostly Ed Harcourt and The Arcade Fire this week, which fits my writing mood quite nicely. I just have to remember not to shout 'squirrel' every time I see one, as it's considered quite uncool. So I just whisper it under my breath instead, which works out fine.

* Oops, it's actually 'Mose' as PP pointed out. Full website here - and he's white! I was most surprised. But then I always thought the Chemical Brothers were black. Honestly, I'm rubbish at this sort of thing.


Abaculus said...

I shouldn't worry about yelling at the squirrels in London parks. The greedy little blighters are all so used to humans that a good loud noise is the only way to stop them from leaping at your throat and stealing your cravatte.

James Henry said...

Thanks for the warning - I've already watched a perigrine falcon have it away with my monocle, and don't think I could stand further costume-based wildlife japeries.

Jane said...

This provoked an intense memory of the first morning I ever woke up in London, having flown in from a hot Australian summer to a bright cold English January, slept overnight in Westbourne Grove (which I'd expected to have trees in it -wronnnngg) and woken up to wander through the astoundingly lovely Kensington Gardens, seeing things I'd read about in books, and many other beauties.

Anonymous said...

I presume the squirrels you mention are the American grey squirrels that launched a corporate takeover of UK Squirreldom some years ago?

We've got red squirrels in mainland Europe. The greys weren't permitted a visa or something, and so our squirrels still look like Tufty.

James Henry said...

Well he used to be Moses, then the 's' fell off and that's why all songs are so grumpy.

We were talking about a 'blues' scene in GW, and I got my laptop out, as I was sure I had a sample of the genre somwhere, and it turned out to be 'Grover sings the blues' from Sesame Street. Uncool.

Anonymous said...

As we all should know,squirrels are vermin,but live rather clean vegetarian lives,eating nuts and things.This existence makes for nice tasting roasts, casseroles and cold cuts(a very small, sharp knife is required)for particular guests.
Their fur,with head left on,make novelty slippers for Great aunts at Christmas,or in Hospital.
So far I haven't managed to catch one,when I do I'll send you a sample of each.
I know all this is true because my Grandad told me.He never caught one either..

Anonymous said...

I ain't got nothing and they taken that away toooo...

Yay Bonzos! I'm not really sure how they'd be worked in but I'd probably enjoy it.