Nine Inch Nails/Ghostbusters mashup. More stuff over at The Bloc Party one is particularly recommended.
Watched Napoleon Dynamite last night, which totally blew me away. Just a lovely lovely film (even if you watch a lot of it with hands over eyes, thinkin 'nooo... it's all going to go horribly wrong..'). Immediately went back and watched it again with the commentary on, and was delighted to see how much of was based on the writers' (there's two of them, so the apostrophe's correct - as was that one) own experiences. And has the best SexyDancing scene I have ever seen on screen. It's that good.
Over at moebius rex they've got a 50 Cent/Jungle Book mashup which might just be the finest thing I've ever heard - about four songs down. Reduced 50 Cent to the sad little children's entertainer he actually is, whilst being simulataneously being a rather wizard bit of production. Someone has spent a lot of time and energy to make a silly man sound even sillier, and that has to be applauded.
thanks for bringing those mashups to my attention; it's brought a lot of joy into a lot of lives already.
and i think the bloc party one is superb. and bizarre, since i had been listening to both bloc party and nine inch nails this morning (although not at the same time...but a coincidence nevertheless, eh? or maybe not...)
Kudos for correct apostrophe usage and even more for asserting the correctness.
shame about the typo in the spelling of apostrophe though :)
Bugger, you beat me to it with the spelling thing *sulks*
In retaliation, a joke.
Who lead the Pedants' Revolt?
Which Tyler
I thang yew...
Dammit. Corrected now, but still. Dammit.
Hoorah! I knew it wasn't just me who cared about the apostrophe. Edinburgh actually has a fish and chip shop which has a proper (ie not handwritten) sign saying "Fish and Chip's" Gah!!
Yes, the levels of irony in me congratulating myself on two correct usages of the apostrophe and then spelling it incorrectly are really too painful to think about.
Simon Pegg liked it too. The film, I mean. Oh, never mind. I'm incredibly annoyed that I don't have sound on my computer.
That's almost as bizarre as when I once saw a sign that said 'apple,s' at a market somewhere. Maybe they employed a monkey to write the sign or something, I'm not sure.
In the Disney Store they had pyjamas that said "Princess's Together" on them. It made me want to poke my own eye out.
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