Friday, November 17, 2006

Ooh good post

Hamilton's Brain writes about First Direct's potentially rather bastardatious scheme...


patroclus said...

I'd rather stay with First Direct than move to any other UK bank, ten quid or no ten quid. They're the bestest bank I've ever had the pleasure of going ludicrously overdrawn with - always friendly, always helpful, always available. Love 'em. Genuinely.

Hamilton's Brain said...

Luckily, by being overdrawn you forgo the £10 fee.

This is not a come-on for a fight, by the way.

patroclus said...

Awww, HB, a big old fight would have brightened up my day.

Not really. I quite surprised myself there. I was actually going to agree with you, but then changed my mind at the last minute when I remembered what an egregious bunch of wankers the other 'high street' banks are. NatWest! Don't get me started! Etc!

Mind you First Direct have just got a new CEO (probably from NatWest, I haven't checked*), so maybe their Reign of Niceness is about to come to an end.

* I have now. He came from ASDA, he's a Cambridge graduate and his favourite song is 'Bad Day' by REM. He used to like trekking in Nepal before he had kids, but now he goes on holiday to Corsica. Twat.

cello said...

They are indeed the bestest bank, alongside the Co-operative. They used to be my client when the wonderful Peter Simpson (who always signed all the direct mail to customers) was the Commercial Director. But then they dumped us and him. Nevertheless, despite these two outrageous lapses of judgement, they still rule.