THREE HOURS LATE. I, and all the other travellers on the 12.06 from Paddington, are rather more familiar than is really necessary with a small field outside Taunton where the train just sat for, did I mention, THREE HOURS. AND I hadn't brought my laptop with me, so I had a bagfull of DVDs (first series of 30 Rock, Pineapple Express, Citizen Kane) and no means to watch them. So I spent approximately ten minutes doing actual writing work, about 'A' stories, and 'B' stories and so on, and two hours fifty minutes designing a dungeon for Thursday D&D night. Thus my priorities.
The last post caused some confusion, apparently, so just to clarify: Patroclus and I got married last Saturday, it was nice. Still waiting for some non-face-pulling photos to come in, but I'll put this one up, as it makes me laugh. I'm pretty sure I was actually laughing at the time, despite my face being contorted in PRIMAL RAGE, like someone had knocked over my DM screen or something.

My goodness, but the blue kitten is getting to be such a big girl! I hope you don't mind my saying she is the most adorable thing in that photo. Did she steal the show at the wedding, as well?
"It's NOT a violet shirt, it's a PURPLE shirt! I kill you!"
"Start wearing purple!" is it me or is everything purple in that picture?
Congrats etc
The problem at Paddington? Yes I was there, but I was only half an hour late.
Congratulations... I am a little scared by that photo though. You look like you're mocking the registrar. Or possible blue kitten has just had a small "accident" on your arm?
You're all beautifully colour co-ordinated - am very impressed. Blue kitten looks a bit embarrassed by her strange dad though...
It's not purple, it's mauve.
Congratulations :) Having the same problem: scriptwriting or D&D adventure, scriptwriting or D&D adventure... D&D adventure keeps rampaging across my brain, shouldering other ideas into the corners, where I find them cowering, frightened and disorganised.
The colour co-ordination wasn't planned, by the way, it just worked out that way.
I have no idea why I'm pulling that face - Matt C has been kind enough to send me some rather less terrifying photos, which I'll put up in a bit.
Awesome picture, and colour-coordination Michelle Obama would be proud of. This helps with me with my current wedding attire quandry enormously.
My nan said "You're putting on weight, you know. In that shirt'.
So I might not wear that one again for a bit.
I thought maybe sprog had had an accident and you were grimacing in dismay ....
verif: nocket (brilliant!!!)
Love the dresses (and the magic shirt!) Laughing at weddings is a good sign. My husband cried at ours (tears of joy, I'm sure).
Love the "verif" neologism.
Does that mean that comments where you don't have to do a captcha are sans verif?
god I wouldn't have started reading your blog if I had known you look like that
Well I don't look like that all the time. Unless you mean my face in general, in which case I do.
I'm particularly loving the way the Blue Kitten is clearly exchanging a Look with the registrar which says "I'm so sorry - there's nothing I can do when he gets into one of his moods".
Bloody magnificent hair, by the way.
This made me feel better about my 30 minute delay. I feel like a blessed man now!
Great, now the Chinese hate my face.
I think this is possibly the best wedding picture ever.
I especially love the Blue Kitten's mohawk!
I love everything about this photo. Wouldn't change a thing.
the chinese is just stuff like "adult movies", "lesbian chat rooms" etc. you're safe. Maybe they really like you.
Hurrah, the Chinese like my face!
I thought you said "Primeval" rage, which is where you watch an episode, realise you won't get that bit of your life back, and realise you'll probably watch next week, AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHY! Grrrr.
But you didn't.
BK is cute.
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