Sunday, February 08, 2009

"What makes you think smarter are limitations"

Fascinating interview with Andrew Stanton, director of Wall-E and Finding Nemo, on the success of Pixar, telling a good story, why people try and put animation in a box and many many other things. Thirty seven minutes long, and if you're interested in any of the above topics, absolutely worth your time.

Most interesting for me, how Pixar are working on that staying in that sweet spot between discipline and creativity, brilliantly explained thusly:

"We came up with the most egalitarian system we could, within a set-up that basically needs a dictator"


Jayne said...

"We came up with the most egalitarian system we could, within a set-up that basically needs a dictator"

Hey - that's how my team works. Everyone's equal but I'm far more equal than everybody else...

James Henry said...

If I ever have a team of my own, that's totally how it's going to work.

Mike Booth said...

I was in that position a couple of times, and it was sweet. Until the coup.

Smat said...

that's exactly how I run my household - works perfectly so long as everyone understands their roles...