Friday, April 29, 2005

Bluecat Forum? (now inc. Toy-Fu 18 - eyes)

Evans has sent me this excellent litter story, coincidentally on the same day I wrote some scenes about... litter. Maybe it's not a coincidence, maybe I'm just obsessed (also, Elephants Yeah).

Jane said: James, is there any chance of introducing a forum element to the blog? Much as I adore Toy-fu and TCC (the aficionados' abbreviation for the Curious Cabinet, dontcha know) I also really enjoy the comments. I've just back-tracked through to read the Sissinghurst exchanges. If we had a forum, we could chatter amongst ourselves without missing things... just a thought.

james and the blue cat said: A forum? Could be the egomaniacal straw that breaks the egomaniacal camel's back... Also I don't know how to set one up. That said, it would be nice to give the GW C4 comedy zoners another forum, as it seems to have gone a bit dead over there, and it seems a shame when some of the threads fade away... So if anyone has the time to set up a general chatting place (and maintain it - I don't have the skill or the time), let me know, and I'll link to it from here.

And the more I think about it, the more I think that would be a really cool idea. Call it the Bluecat Forum (leave off the 'james and the', lest my plans for world domination become all too transparent). But someone else would have to do it. And there'd be rules. Many, many rules. No emoticons or signiture wacky quotes for a start. I'm sorry, but I have to draw the line somewhere. I'm all for icons though, obviously.

I thought I'd crowbar TF18 in here as well:


  1. I know not everyone has a LiveJournal. But for those who do, there's already a LiveJournal Green Wing community.

  2. Oh, the signatures were my favourite part as well. Well, one of them. But I thoroughly agree about the emoticons. And please, no big, ugly silver stars either. I had to leave the Comedy Zone for fear of achieving one. And could there be unfettered swearing please James?

  3. Swearing with wit only I think. There would be some sophisticated filter that could assess whether the quality of our comment had earned us the right to swear.

  4. Unfettered swearing at all times. And I know there's specific GW forums, but something less... specific would be great. A forum for literary trivia, gardening recs, chamber pop, animation reviews and interesting facts about vikings. Unless there's already a forum with all those things, in which case let me know.

  5. Anonymous11:05 am

    OK, I've found out how you can make your own forum here at InvisionFree - this is the 'register' bit and the other one's the homepage. Go have a looksee.

  6. Could maybe make swearing a privileged thing - it's not a right you know.

  7. Anonymous11:13 am

    Indeed. Does it meet your non-specific needs? You could have a category for Viking facts and everything.

  8. Hmm. Let me think on't.

  9. Anonymous12:23 pm

    Gosh, quoted on the front page. I feel my day has not been spent in vain.

    My employers may feel differently.

    Amazingly, if you put "Vikings" and "Swearing" into t'Interweb, you get this. There may be sound, I can't tell. There is most definitely a lot of swearing though - positively unfettered but not exactly on the cutting edge of wit.

  10. Yes, maybe there's something to be said for fettering after all...

  11. Anonymous12:44 pm

    Re. Elephants Yeah - I remember hearing a story years ago about an elderly woman who wrote to a Radio 4 music programme requesting "Elephants' Ears" which had the presenter racking his brains, until he realised what she meant!
    Like the sound of the "Bluecat Forum" despite knowing nothing about Vikings or Chamber Pop. Am quite good on literary trivia though. Is your blog name anything to so with "Dougal and the Blue Cat"?

  12. Anonymous12:46 pm

    that should be "to do with" obviously

  13. Yes - the sort of people who can be relied upon to swear responsibly. Or at least wittily. Or in a sexy sort of way. Any of those would be fine.

  14. If he takes the glasses off, is he totally unrecognisable?

    Not a bad idea for an online comic strip character who doesn't want all that celebrity hassle offline.

    That would account for the 'no show' in the quality news magazine, Heat.

  15. Anonymous3:58 pm

    The great thing is, that if Toy-fu makes it into book form, exposing James to world-wide acclaim and film offers, he can pretend that the whole "eyes" things was an oblique Superman reference, rather than the result of slightly confused and short-sighted blog fans...

    I think he was in Heat actually, in one of those "look at you, aren't you fat" pages, just after the bit where they moan about celebrities being crap role models because they are, er, too thin...

  16. Mind you, to be fair that bunter is clearly sucking in his tummy in those shots... probably wouldn't hurt losing a few pounds.

    Have we established whether he is long or short sighted?

    I think we have a right to know, y'know.

  17. Anonymous5:49 pm

    Hahahaha. I like it. Also serves the dual purpose of making sure no new readers fall into the nostril-eye trap, or at least telling them once they get through the first seventeen...

  18. try this....

    Blue Cat Forum

    ...if I can get the link to work, anyway...


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