Thursday, April 28, 2005

Toy-Fu 17 - Hush

TF 1-16 now up at


  1. Anonymous4:42 pm

    How wonderfully apposite! The dragon, surrounded by chocolate wafers, is eating a stick of coltsfoot rock!

  2. He's like that monster from the Chewits adverts! Yay.

  3. In fact talking of online comic type things, there's an interesting site here people might like:

  4. Where does he get his glasses from?

    I'm always fond of an intellectual monster -

    "Run!! it's Bookzilla!"

    Like that blue bugger in the X-men comics, what was his name? I think it was SmartArse... hit by a radioactive copy of the Pears encyclopaedia as a child, I believe.

    Has he thought about contacts at all?

  5. Anonymous8:52 pm

    WHAT? They're his nostrils?
    Ohhh... yeah. They are. Right he's not quite as scary now as he was before. I did wonder why he was wearing glasses on his hood, yes.

  6. Anonymous9:05 pm

    P.S. I kept myself entertained in a four-and-a-half-hour science practical today by reliving the entire toy-fu Parte the First in my head. (It's great in your head because of course they move! Except in the scenes where they stand still. And have little voices.)

  7. I thought the glasses might make it clearer that those were his eyes. Which they sort of did, after 17 pages or so...

  8. Steve needs his glasses to check the fine print of his contract. He hasn't had a day off for 2 weeks!

    And Webafe, I have replied to your Sissinghurst enquiry down in 'Curious Cabinets' where you asked it.

  9. Anonymous12:14 am

    Oh good, I'm not the only one who got confused about the dragon's head/muzzle/eyes!

    Thanks for your extensive reply, I've filed it for perusal at leisure.

  10. Anonymous8:39 am

    I've just spent 10 minutes squinting at my screen and I only just saw the nostrils as eyes... yikes! Much scarier that way. Me no likee.

    James, is there any chance of introducing a forum element to the blog? Much as I adore Toy-fu and TCC (the aficionados' abbreviation for the Curious Cabinet, dontcha know) I also really enjoy the comments. I've just back-tracked through to read the Sissinghurst exchanges. If we had a forum, we could chatter amongst ourselves without missing things... just a thought.

    ps any more TCC ready to read yet? I keep saying "Oh bum" now

  11. A forum? Could be the egomaniacal straw that breaks the egomaniacal camel's back... Also I don't know how to set one up.

    That said, it would be nice to give the GW C4 comedy zoners another forum, as it seems to have gone a bit dead over there, and it seems a shame when some of the threads fade away... So if anyone has the time to set up a general chatting place (and maintain it - I don't have the skill or the time), let me know, and I'll link to it from here.

  12. Anonymous10:48 am

    No belladonna, I can promise you it was as much as a shock to me when I discovered they were his nostrils as to you. I'm still not quite over it. Can't believe I didn't realise though.

    I have don't know how to set up a forum either... if people really want to talk to other people there's the IMDb Green Wing boards but sadly I have no idea if they could be renamed bluecat. And there's a lot of going off on tangents over there as well but I suppose that's not *too* much of a problem...


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