Friday, April 29, 2005

Thanks Izzy!

Blue Cat forum now up here, thanks to Izzy from Cornish Rambler

Having a bit of a sort-out this weekend. I'm going to give toy-fu a separate site for updates, as it's swamping the blog somewhat - then put collected chapters up at when they're ready.

Going to go and suggest more topics now - Izzy may come to regret this..


  1. wot no forums?

    (can't quite get to drawing the bloke peering over the wall. Is it just my faulty memory that thinks that character was called chav...)

    Is it just me, but I can't see any forums there. Let me know if you need a hand.

  2. oh, ok. Chad.

    Close though.

  3. Shall I get you a box to stand on?

  4. Guys,

    Just to say, I'm not being snooty about the Blue Cat Forum. In fact,I am deliriously excited. But I don't think it will let me post until I have validated myself and I foolishly gave my work email. So I'll have to sit like a wallflower and watch you playing in that lovely new space until Tuesday. Bum!

    In the meantime, I can just panic about filling the 'Gardens' topic, which I feel personally responsible for, for some crazy reason.

    Thank you Izzy and James, very much.

  5. hey Cello, I've just approved you, you should be able to post now...

  6. Thanks Izzy. I'm in!

  7. Yey, it looks really good! fab idea.

  8. it's set up at the mo to let people read the posts, but not actually post anythng until they're registered/logged in. then you should get buttons saying 'add reply'.

  9. you were still listed under 'registering' rather than having completed the process - so anyway, I've approved you, try now...

  10. I'd just like to say big thanks to Izzy for setting up this splendid forum. A new place for me to spout rubbish! Fantastic!


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