Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You know when you find something good on YouTube...

... and get really excited, then realise it's six months old, and then you look at the creator's website and realise they've already written more comedy than you have, but then you decide to embed the video anyway, like you're doing them a favour or something? Well anyway, I thought this was very good.

"I'd Like To Have Been At That Meeting When.... LOST", by The Dawson Bros.


  1. A stroke of frickin' genius!

  2. Anonymous6:21 pm

    I am strangly attracted to the one with dark hair - should I be worried.

  3. hehehehe!

    I looked at the Harry Potter one too - very good.

    "Too many.. ply strands.. to lift..."

  4. Hee, I loved that one, but I felt like I'd been having a bit of a go at JK of late, and felt guilty, because I met her once and she was absolutely lovely.

  5. God bless you sir! And we do consider it a favour. And also there's three of us so multiply that CV by 0.33333 for a fair comparison and I think you'll come out on top! Love Andrew, Steve & Tim (the Dawson Bros)

  6. *waves across the internet*


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