Wednesday, January 14, 2009

'Bubbleicious' - Rex The Dog

More videos, while I GO OUT OF MY FRIKKIN MIND waiting to hear if my teen drama thing gets commissioned. Sourced by the ever-reliable PopJustice, this is an utterly charming stop-motion sort of thing. Wasn't sure about the actual song at first, but it picks up about the halfway mark.

Bubblicious from Rex The Dog on Vimeo.


  1. Teen drama? What sort of teen drama? I'm very excited! I love teen drama!

  2. This was great - I particularly liked keyboard playing dog - but I suspect you're going to end up posting pix of toenail clippings before you hear from your Commissioning Ed.

    Go and play WoW - I think you need to kill something.

    OR - have you watched any of The Guild. Makes me laugh quite a lot...

  3. Oh, it's a remix of an old Yaz (Yazoo) song. Alison Moyet is one of only two people on earth I'd trade voices with, but this isn't the best example of her talent. LOVE the dog playing the keyboard.

    Keeping our fingers crossed on the teen drama thang!

    Sarah, search back through this blog and you can read up lots about this project.

  4. Sarah: the teen drama project tag is your friend.

    Jayne, ah yes, mean meaning to look at that.

    Valerie: mmm, Alison Moyet really does have an astonishing voice, which this song doesn't illustrate particularly. I do like a bit of glitchpop though (a label I've just made up).

  5. Very cool video. I love it when they make you aware of the work that goes into stop motion.

  6. Yes indeed, and it's interesting that it makes the moment where the models 'come to life' more, rather than less, impressive.

  7. Rex the Dog is secretly JX, him what did song I pretend not to like but actually do "There's Nothing I Won't Do". Pop fact.

  8. "Glitchpop" is an awesome genre name.

  9. Personally, I wouldn't play WoW whilst waiting to hear back from a commissioning editor. Everytime that you die and have to march back from the graveyard to find your body would seem to me, somewhat, prophetic.

    Mind you, I am assuming that you haven't got a stupidly high level character running around on there. The kind of character that laughs in the face of death.

    But to get to the bottom of the message of this comment: I dislike WoW.

  10. I seem to have abandoned WOW for a bit. My highest level character was, I think, 53, at which point I was beginning to flounder, as it was becoming too tedious to solo, but trying to find a group to do an instance was like undergoing an interview tp join some startup web company. Run by coke-addled Finnish fourteen year olds.

  11. I love the end - the disapproval in the singer's face when the dog destroys the vibe.

    Oh and not a bad new genre...

  12. Ooh, look at that! Might be time to rejoin

  13. I loikes it. Appearance and disappearance of coffee good device for passage of time. 10 points to them. Also like how the dog needs a little push to get going. Lovely. Fingers crossed for you re. teen drama project.


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