Monday, January 05, 2009

Right, what's going on in 2009 then?

Rob Self-Pierson is blogging walks around Britain by the full moon

DC Comics are giving away a free download of issue one of Bill Willingham's excellent 'Fables' comic.

Swanpool Beach, in the depth of winter, has become home to the "quirky" ice cream (they used the quotes, not me). I didn't get round to finding out the exact scale of quirk used, as I was walking my mum's dogs, and they got bored, but I shall certainly try and find out at a later date.

Ooh, ooh, and I am talking to BBC 4 about doing a literary adaptation, which I am extremely excited about. Only a one-off, but it will involve large cuffs, drinking, rudeness about actors and quite possibly flintlocks. Did I say I was extremely excited? Because I am.


  1. Happy New Year!

    I have some questions:

    Re: Icecream - perhaps it's made by Pauline Quirk?

    Re: adaptation- sounds remarkably like that episode of Blackadder III with the actors. Are you sure that's not what you're thinking of?

    And finally - what did you think about Demons? And Doctor Who? And the new Doctor Who?

  2. Anonymous4:55 pm

    They've also put quotes around the "Cafe Open Everyday" bit.

    For some reason I find that vaguely sinister.

    Although, to be fair, it's not nearly as sinister as the sound you hear when you click the little disabled fella next to your word verification box. Ho-leee shit...

  3. Barry: little disable fella?

    Jayne: no I'm not rewriting that Blackadder episode. Although the subject matter is not a million from the subject of that very half hour...

    I think I approve of the new Doctor based on his looks, although there's a whole other blog post on that alone. I did really enjoy the Christmas ep, which hasn't been the case before. And I've just downloaded Demons, so will give it a shot in a second....

  4. Too many quotation marks in that sign.

  5. Yeah, I didn't want to go on about it, in case it looked like I was photographing random things, then just being snotty about them, but that sort of overuse of quotations is essentially the mark of a maniac. Is it a coincidence that Swanpool Beach Cafe is situated next to a cemetary?

    Probably, yes.

  6. Not as coincidental as it would be if Fal Falafel was situated next to the cemetery...

  7. Anonymous6:28 pm

    Because I'm not a blogger user, I have to fill in one of those captcha things, which are becoming more and more difficult the older I get.

    For some reason the random jumble of letters an' that wasn't showing up when I made my last comment, so I clicked the little icon of a man in a wheelchair.

    At this point the most chilling voice in all the world slowly read out a string of numbers to me, accompanied by a dozen other voices all speaking over each other. BACKWARDS, I might add.

    There goes my sleep for the next fortnight.

  8. oh well, just so long as you keep the enormous trousers in I'll be happy. Or are the large cuffs replacing them?

    Demons - oh you've got a treat in store *coughs*

    New DW - I was gobsmacked. Especially as some charlatan said it was going to be Paterson Joseph. But the new chap's got an interesting face (mostly forehead now I come to think about it) and could be interesting. Plus we must trust in Moffat.

  9. Indeed, I believe the Moffat has earned that right. And sorry about the Paterson thing.

  10. For some bizarre reason, I have always loved the word 'flintlock'. I really have no idea why.

    I would have liked them to go for Paterson Joseph. To be honest, I think the guy they've gone for seems far far to young to be Doctor Who.

    (However, I will hold my hands up and admit that I thought Catherine Tate was a huge mistake. And I was proved wrong there so....)

  11. I think it's the click in the 'lock' - sounds nicely onomatapoeic.

    Matt Smith does seem young, but when he starts, he'll only be a couple of years younger than Peter Davison was when he started. And I like that as the incarnations go on, the Doctor gets younger, especially as the First Doctor was quite elderly. I do want the Eleventh Doctor to be a bit posh though, I think it would be a nice change.

    I thought Catherine Tate has some briefly likeable moments, when people took the trouble to write them for her (I'm thinking of Little Jimmy Moran's Pompeii episode particularly), but I dunno, there's just something fundamentally unactory about her for me, as though she's only ever playing herself at a half-remove at best.

  12. She was better than bloody Martha Jones...

  13. The flintlock was the finest age of the firearm. They weren't just machines of death back then, they were art.

  14. Anonymous6:57 pm

    although young, I think Matt Smith will make a good DW. I watched Party Animals and his character was the only one that really stood out amongst the rest - in other words - I thought he was very good.


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