Tuesday, January 06, 2009


So, a British actor playing a character called Rupert, with a surname starting with G and access to a library of occult tomes tracks down a teenager and tells them they a) have Kewl Powerz, and b) are descended from a legendary line of vampire hunters, and they have to team up and fight half-demons who lurk in the shadows of human society? And all the time nobody said 'erm, chaps, should we maybe... use branches to brush our tracks or something?' Harrumph.

Still, costumes and lighting and general design were aces, and if it actually manages to move past its rather obvious starting point, it could get quite good? Maybe?

*makes wobbly hand gesture*

I dunno, what did you think?


  1. Haven't seen it, but Small Boo said "Not as bad as Bonekickers", which is damning with the faintest of praises as far as I can work out.


  3. Ah, but he's a British actor playing an American character called Rupert G so that's totally different isn't it?

    I thought dialogue was incredibly clunky - smiting is only good when used ironically I find - and even if the design and costumes are good it's going to be terrible without a better script...

  4. Well since you ask, and thank you very much for asking, I thought that I would give it a miss. A very big miss. A very big miss indeed. A miss so big, in fact, that it would be among the top 10 misses of all time.

  5. I liked it well enough to watch the next one when it comes out.

    Interested, but not sold yet.

  6. Didn't Joss Whedon say that the opening of the first episode of Buffy (where you see a woman ostensibly in peril, but then she's the one to be afraid of), was aimed at subverting the usual convention of these things? Demons pretty much de-subverted it with its opening sequence.

    I guess the show's not aimed at me, but, well, "Do you ever see something out of the corner of your eye... but then when you look, it's gone?" was pretty much as far as I stayed.


  7. I wasn't inmpressed, but I'll stick it out for a couple more episodes before making my mind up on it. Here's what I thought of it:


  8. It gets quite good indeed - then less good. But still more watchable than most of the fare that we manage to get on our sets this side of the Atlantic.

  9. Worst. American. Accent. Ever.

    Not as good as that dinosaur one with the Scottish guy and her off S Club 7.

  10. Anonymous7:08 pm

    I watched it all the way to the end. Not sure I'll do that again. Buffy could so smite any of them big time. It lacked any of the self-awareness or the funny of Buffy. I liked Ruby tho, could that be because she was the only character with any...character? Ah well praps it'll improve...

  11. Buffy could so smite any of them big time

    true that.

  12. I was very distracted by (a) Gene Hunt having an American accent (yes, I know there's now an American version of him - I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it) and (b) the doctor off Survivors being a blind pianist with superpowers.

    Despite this I enjoyed it much more than I expected. Even though I watched it TWICE, because the first time I was washing up at the same time and managed to miss the fact that she was blind and lots of bits didn't make sense after that....

  13. There was a lot of exposition that a) the characters needed but b) the audience didn't. We got all the exposition we needed from the TV guide, really. Given that, I reckon episode 2 will be a lot better. The format should work. It worked before for about 7 years, after all... oh, get me. And everyone else who said it was a bit like Buffy before me.

  14. Anonymous1:29 pm

    I'm pretty sure that the name plaque on the office door of the woman that got demon'd right at the start was G Anderson. But the whole name thing was pushed a bit too far with the 'Rubyrubyrubyrubeee' running sequence. I bet they called her that just so they could use that song. I was disappointed. So disappointed that I will be tuning in to ep 2 for extra disappointment...

  15. Poooooooooooo!

    "Use the Force, Luke."

    Just terrible.

  16. Anonymous9:27 pm

    Terrible direction - especially fight sequence with doggy things (from Buffy) and music that made you want to cut your head off. NO thanks.


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