Sunday, September 10, 2006

Yay comedy blogs

Adam Buxton writes in his blog about his part in Neil Gaiman's Stardust, which although not a comedy film per se, does seem to include lots and lots of top british comedy people. Some of whom get to meet Clare Danes, the lucky lucky bastards.

Being in an actual room with one of these actors I enquired to the extensiveness of getting-to-meet-Clare-Danesness of his part.

ACTOR: I got to lie on top of her.
ME: ...
ACTOR: And then I bounced up and down, harder and harder, but then a policeman arrived, and now I can't talk to her anymore.
ME: Which bit of that's true?
ACTOR: I can't remember.

Adam's post also included the pisstake of 'Snatch' done with toys, so go hither and giggle, it's great. 'Snatch' is in that weird category of sequels (I know it's not really a sequel, but it's close enough to count), which is only one percent less good that the original, but somehow utterly devoid of the first film's ramshackle charm. See also Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. Or rather don't, obviously. The first one was aces though.

But do get the A&J podcasts off of iTunes, or possibly the XFM page or something, not sure, but look 'em up. The most recent one (18?) is particularly fine, and includes lots of Colin Farrell-based swearing, haha yer bollox.

In other news, I've been watching 24 series 4 - only got as far as halfway through series one, and this seems exactly the same: Kiefer is great, almost everyone else is absolutely rubbish. But crikey, it does keep rattling along.


  1. I just happened upon this very very new post and it said you posted it at 9:42, it's only 9:39 on my computer. Wow! Also, can ask you a writerry question, is 'off of' correct English? I hear people say it - main culprit being Scott Mills - and it annoys me, but am beginning to think it's right.......?

  2. I don't think it is correct English technically, but it's something I do say, so I reckon it's okay to put it in a blog post. Expect to get marked down if you use the expression in an essay or economic report to the Foreign Office however.

    Is Scott Mills off of Radio 1 or something? Hmm. Maybe I won't say it any more.

    Also, posting backwards in time! Marvellous.

  3. Anonymous12:10 pm

    Yup, each series of 24 is basically the same but who cares when Kiefer's saving the world? Plus he usually ends up shirtless at some point so I'm happy (yes, I really am that shallow and easily pleased).

    On a completely different note, did you see the GW boys as Queen in yesterdays Guardian? I thought Steve and Mark looked particularly fetching.

  4. Adam and Joe Yeah I love them and on a completely unrelated subject maybe the idea I had about us all donating a small amount of money so you could make a pilot wasn't so dumb. Check out as spotted in Saturday's Guardian.

  5. Anonymous1:19 pm

    [QUOTE]On a completely different note, did you see the GW boys as Queen in yesterdays Guardian?[/QUOTE] heh I saw that, Steve did look rather good in that wig..also hasn't Julien Rhind tutt got a small part in Stardust? I think I heard that somewhere...anybody know if it's true?

  6. Anonymous1:33 pm

    yeah i heard that too about Julian, doesn't he play a ghost or something?

    ricky gervais and rupert everett are also in it.

  7. Anonymous1:35 pm

    oh and i think mark heap has too. but dont quote me on that, if its true it sounds really good.

  8. I've just had a look on the Guardian website, how truly hilarious. Mangan and Heap do look the best!

    And thanks James for clearing up the 'off of' mess. I won't add it to my comparative essay of Cider With Rosie and David Copperfield (who I have been refering to as David Cop a Feel)

  9. My favourite thing about the GW/Queen picture is that Julian is doing a proper Roger Taylor face and also is the only one not wearing a wig.
    The Jimmy Carr picture was also completely ace.

    And I only say "off of" ironically, so I think I'm alright...

  10. Anonymous5:27 pm

    I'm not having anyone say that Julian has a 'small' part, but am loving the fact that Ad has linked to me without me even knowing it...woo hoo

  11. Anonymous10:54 pm

    Apparently 'off of' was a horribly, disasterously WRONG grammatically incorrect term that the Scots adopted yonks ago, and it's stuck. Like chewing gum on a Bus seat to the Nation's 'erse.'

    It's 'off' (minus the extra 'of') or indeed 'from', apparently.

    Looks like it's not just us, eh, Britain? *nudge nudge*

  12. Anonymous5:21 am

    I always thought that "24" would be brilliant if it was just called "4", then Kiefer wouldn't keep have to rescue errant members of his own family just to keep things moving along. I'm with Jen on the horrific grammatical wrongness of "off of" btw and (as I was too intimidated to bring this up in re: the previous blog) I actually find reading about Donatella Versace's cellulite in Heat magazine both enteratining and therapeutic. Sorry.

  13. Anonymous10:20 am

    True. Kim might as well be wearing a target and carrying a notice saying "I'm the slightly dim daughter of an intelligence agent - please kidnap me". Just so long as Kiefer can be shirtless for at least three and a half of the four hours...

  14. Anonymous1:00 pm

    But Donatella Versace has cellulite on her face. How is that entertaining?


    As for Heat magazine; I bought it the other day to placate an otherwise hideously long drive to Ayr - and noticed there were just two 'big' interviews (at about 2 pages long, with half of said pages taken up by massive pictures of whichever Big Brother contestant they were trying to drag coherent English from) and the rest of the bloody magazine is just pictures and critiques of how Victoria Beckham's 'blacks don't match'.

    Magazines make me angry.

  15. Anonymous2:02 pm

    Am I the only person that has yet to sit down and watch 24? I do feel like I'm missing out on something here...

  16. Anonymous3:14 pm

    24 gives me motion sickness

  17. KEEFER SUTHERLUND is a frord and is in very fact playd by KEITH SUNDERLAND and his dad RONALD

    KEEFER SUTHERLUND is just a KEITH SUNDERLAND tribyoot band and i shud know cos im in it

    ENN BEE i play the kazoo

  18. Thank you PEANUT, wise words as always.

  19. Anonymous1:44 pm

    I too have never seen 24, but do enjoy watching entire seasons of crap shows on dvd. Recently managed all 5 seasons of Allie McBeal, even with all the singing.

    No amount of shirtlessness evident, fyi. Probably for the best.

    A strange moment to de-lurk myself, but it sure beats working on my thesis. :)

  20. Anonymous1:45 pm

    I can't watch 24, as I'm an avid fan of Ross Noble.

    The opening titles will forever sound like an angry vole munching someone's leg.

  21. Hello delurking dan, and thanks for the imagery jen.

    I'm sticking with 24, but only because Kiefer is great, and it has a cracking pace to it. The rest of the cast seem to have been selected to be as rubbish and pouty as possible.

  22. Anonymous3:11 pm

    So many shows are awash with pouting

  23. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Do I take it Dennis Haysbert is not in 24/4? That man couldn't pout at pistol-point (yum)

  24. Anonymous8:37 pm

    James and anyone else who's interested:

    Noble on 24 and Ice Cream

    Just to clarify that I'm not mad. Just have a very surreal sense of humour.


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