Tuesday, September 12, 2006

And chips.

Best Mate has a week off, and it's not like I have a proper job anyway, so I thought I'd drive us out to Durgan, walk down the beach, up the hill and around the coast to have lunch at the Ferryboat Inn, which is verrr pleasant. I couldn't quite remember how to get there though, so when I woke up at four o'clock this morning, I checked the directions from the pub website. Then I went back to sleep, and when I woke up properly, I had to check again to make sure I hadn't imagined them, so starkly beautiful are they in their simplicity.

Still we got there anyway, the afternoon only very slightly marred by the fact that we were talking about Colin Farrell, so I stepped out of the car shouting 'HA HA, FOOK YEZ, YEZ TERRIBLE BOLLIX!' only to realize I was right next to a very nice couple who had presumably just taken their spaniel for a pleasant walk, which I was possibly spoiling slightly. I managed to smile and say 'hi' in an urbane sort of way, but that might have made things worse, as though I was teetering between two wildly different personas. Perhaps I should have kept up the mad shouting Colin Farrell persona until I was out of earshot, although BM probably wouldn't have thanked me.

Sorry very nice couple. The Thai Fish Cakes were splendid though.


  1. yay! i'm first!

    maybe they thought you were Foreign. or Special.

    i'm pretty sure they had you down as one of the two. still, no harm done.

  2. Interestingly, in these tales I'm still picturing you from your Waterstone days. That can't be right...

  3. No, this was yesterday, do concentrate 007.

  4. Anonymous11:33 am

    Saying embarrassing things at traffic lights in the car and then realising the windows are down and everyone has heard you. Tis mortifying in the extreme.

  5. The phrase "eat out Cornwall" sounds like an attempt to break a very obscure Guinness record.

  6. Anonymous7:51 pm

    Maybe they thought you were Colin Farrell.

  7. Ooh, good point. I might have made their day! Ish.

    "Guess who we saw today in Durgan beach carpark? That actor, Irish, was in.... lots of rubbish films. Actually forget it, we didn't see anyone'.

    He was very nearly in Westlife, you know. Ask Danny S about that.

  8. Anonymous11:21 pm

    Gosh, to think how he could have turned out if he was in Westlife... I bet he's gutted...

    *runs off before the Westlife fans bottle her*

  9. Anonymous4:59 am

    Have you found your raven yet? I'm getting quite worried about it . . .

  10. I haven't, and am starting to think the problem can only be resolved by a range of licensed t-shirts.

  11. Aah, only in Cornwall do you get directions like that ... it's all to do with elastic Cornish Miles; nobody actually knows where anything is, it's all guesswork.

  12. In London we have the Underground Minute which is equally elastic but in time rather than space.

  13. Anonymous10:46 am

    psst twas Boyzone he nearly got..

  14. Anonymous11:12 am

    James - I await the Cafe Press site with great eagerness. I may buy a matching mug and thong.


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