Saturday, November 19, 2005

Toy-Fu 39 - Dark


  1. Anonymous12:11 pm

    oh no. do spiders hiss?

    recently i was at someone's flat who had about 40 tarantulas piled up in plastic boxes next to his bed.
    forgot to ask if they hiss.
    they are very furry, though.

    oh what adventures steve and the other one could stumble upon in that flat.

  2. Mebbe it was the slugs in the bath room hissing as they were melting with salt...

    To dark to tell which room they were in...

    Ridiculously long word verification of uktdvhvb.

  3. I'm liking this. Reminds me of Trap Door for some reason! Hope you are well x

  4. Maybe they just don't realise they are starring in a pantomime. It's nearly the season after all.

  5. "It's behind you!"

  6. It is very trapdoor!
    It also saved a lot of photograph-taking by the looks of it haha!

  7. Anonymous3:04 pm

    I particularly like the photos in this one. You've obviously worked very hard on the positioning and getting just the right quality of "dark".


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