Friday, November 18, 2005

Toy-Fu 38 - Not There

If this makes no sense to you at all, go here for some backstory. It'll probably still make no sense at all, mind.

Steve and the other one back tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous1:32 pm

    How poignant. Though I admit I had to look up 'echolocation'.

  2. BUT HOW DID IT EVOLVE! Did bats stumble round shouting 'ping' until they got the hang of it? It really annoys me.

    Actually I think this topic spills over into a GW2 episode. i can't remember, it's all a bit of a blur. It probably never made it in.

  3. Er, but what is it? Looks a bit like a pencil sharpener.

  4. Anonymous2:56 pm

    James: Don't you dare start another Evolution vs. Intelligent design argument. I've been reading and I'm fed up to the back teeth of both sides of the argument.

    WV : Nwddy

    Nwddy? Is that the S4C version of Noddy?

  5. Isn't it a tower? Of Doom, probably.

  6. Is it a piece from seminal boardgame Crossbows and Catapults?

  7. Or is it a toy version of an elephant's-leg umbrella stand? For the infant Edwardian in us all.

  8. It's a thing a lego knight came in. Although you could probably get a small umbrella in it, if you were very careful, and good at balancing things.

  9. I dont think it has been decided yet how echolocation evolved. Bats are generally split in to two groups. One of these groups use echolocation alot while in the other group it is rarer. Scientists cannot decide if the echolocation was already present in the origin of the species or if it has evolved independently in both groups.

    *takes of geek hat*

    How much lego do you have James? I seem to recall it being mentioned before...

    Shouldnt really have taken off my geek hat to talk about lego, should I?

  10. Any lego I have was bought specifically for toy-fu. Just want to make thar clear. Although there's a feeling of 'well, I might have kids one day, so I'm really just stockpiling it fot them..'

    Mind you, a few years I did buy most of the Bionicle range, then got embarrassed, and gave it all to my bookshop manager to give to his ten-year old son. Who promptly put a huge board on his bed, covered with all the disassembled pieces, which he referried to as his 'Bionicle workshop', and started sleeping under the bed so as to make room for the six foot hunter/killer death spider he was making. Cool kid.

    When I left Canterbury, I gave the same kid all my old Spider-Man comics, and from that day on he was no longer bullied in the playground, as he was able to trade them for favours/short term social acceptance. Comics are great.

  11. Before I had read this comments page, as I was reading Toy-fu, I was stuck by the thought "Why does the princess hang out in a medieval port-a-loo?

    Do you still require plastic spiders? (I've found some bags which ought to be available in your neck of the woods)

  12. Interesting, where they from?

  13. Made in China. Available from the Australian Geographic shop (sorry too lazy to do the link thing right now) email me via my blog profile if you want more info...

  14. Cheers, will have a poke about their shop in a bit...


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