Friday, April 08, 2005

Toy-Fu 5 - Finger


  1. Anonymous4:03 pm

    Hahahahahaha. That is so funny.

    Love that pause before the "pull my finger" line. Perfect timing.

    Happy birthday to you
    Now that you're 32
    Enjoy your cake and jelly
    And your clapperboard too.

  2. Anonymous4:58 pm

    Heh heh! Pull my finger...
    God, I really should be doing some work. Ah well.

  3. Erm... what's the whole finger-pulling joke? I dun geddit, and I've seen it everywhere...

    *knows nothing*

  4. I believe it's a custom originating in the United States, that when one party is about to emit a bottom cough, it is traditional to ask a second party to tug firmly upon the finger of the first party. The first party can then pretend that the digit-pulling was responsible for the unsociable emission, rather than, as is often the case, the eating of too many 'chilli dogs'.

    JATBC: both entertaining and informative. Unless I'm wrong about 'pulling my finger' in which case I'm sure Matt will let me know.

  5. Anonymous9:11 pm

    what a delightful topic of conversation...anyway, happy birthday james. bit late, so i apologise, but better late than never. are you having a party of some sort?

  6. Bottom cough?? Interesting terminology! Thank ye kindly, sir, I now feel very enlightened.

  7. Very good :D LOL...I'm glad I stumbled across your blog in my 'travels' gave me a good laugh or few...thank you


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