Friday, April 08, 2005


clapper board
Originally uploaded by jamesandthebluecat.
An excellent pressie from Paula. With a clapperboard, and the film's best lines already written, full-blown production can only be days away. Also, my nan's let me have a goatskin rug she had in her old home, so that's the costumes sorted....

32. Crikey. Apparently 33 is the biggie, as you inevitably compare your achievments in life thus far to that of Our Lord (well, not mine really, but Your Lord sounds rather accusatory). And at least he had some practical skills to fall back on, so if the water into wine thing didn't impress anyone, like it was a Galileean AA meeting or something, he could at least knock up a quick bookshelf. Or an occasional table.

Moving swiftly on from my crap stand-up routine, but still on religion (hurrah) PP asked me about the physical state of the Pope, and I was able to tell him that a light preservative had apparently been applied, so there's no danger of his nose turning black and falling off like happened with the last one. More Pope news as it comes (probably read the Polly Toynbee article in today's Guardian for a slightly more serious take on Mr Pope's less than joyous legacy).

And apropos of nothing (other than I like to use the word 'apropos', so I suppose technicall it's apropos of itself) The Cuddly Menace has been around for a little while now, but is well worth another read. Very funny.


  1. Anonymous11:41 am

    Happy birthday!
    Have a good one.

  2. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Happy birthday James - nice clapperboard!

  3. Anonymous12:49 pm

    So what are you going to call it, apart from "Viking Heist Movie", then? It needs a snappy title to get the money interested.


    "Erik the Viking"? Nah, that's already been done.

    "The Scandanavian Job"?

    You could get Michael Caine in for a "You're only supposed to blow the bloody horns off" joke, and end it with the heroes' longship teetering on the rocks on the end of the world, whilst he says "Hang on lads, I've got a plan..."

    ......Maybe not.

  4. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Heh. But he did that scene already.

    Happy birthday.

  5. Thanks everyone - I am having a marvo bday so far, and will be making a foray into town for jelly and cakes later on, when it's stopped hailing.

    Steve, I fear I may have used the Italian Job ending once too often already...

    However the clapperboard has pushed the film into Definitley Next Screenplay territory. Just need to ring Peter Jackson now and see if he has any old swords/armour/trolls lying around.

  6. Anonymous1:10 pm

    Ha, thanks for the cuddly menace link, thats great.
    I hope you recieve many shiny things today.

  7. Many happy returns. I trust the day will be full of presents and people waiting on you.

    Can I have some cake?

  8. Happy birthday!

    I, too, am not averse to cake.

  9. Cake for everyone! And leave the washing-up until tomorrow, because I'm feeling giddy with accumulated years, quite frankly. And I just bought a pack of Skittles, so if no-one gets greedy, there's enough for everyone.

  10. Also, thanks for my birthday card belladonna - v. good. I'll be humming the tune all day now.

  11. Happy Birthday James!
    Have a magic day * * * and be wary of sugar rushes!

  12. How about this: "calm down, it's not Ragnarok"?

    Gizza job. Oh, and happy birthday by the way. Obviously.

  13. Happy Birthday. Was it because it's your birthday that you managed to post during the Blogger 'outage'? Or your mystical Cornish powers?

  14. Ragnarok very good indeed. And yet, I managed to harness the elemental power of Cornish Druidry allied to a bit of help from the piskies. God bless them, every one.


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