Monday, February 02, 2009

Not London

Yes, well, my determination to push on up to London has been made slightly more difficult by there not being any actual trains. I've emailed everyone I was supposed to be meeting (most of whom I suspect are in the same situation), to say I won't be coming up now, but I'm putting a post up here just in case.

I hope everyone is having fun in the snow. It isn't actually snowing in Cornwall, so I'll just sort of potter round as normal, vaguely worried the whole thing's an elaborate practical joke.


  1. I'd booked today off and am now grumpy that I've wasted a day's holiday when I wouldn't have been able to get in anyway. *grumbles off*

  2. It is real, and here is my evidence.

    I'm languishing indoors, wondering if the bin men will be round later, and suspecting that they won't be.

  3. I am lonely in the office. But still have loads to do. Tsk. Annoying..

  4. Yes, I confirm that it's true - we've had about 6 inches of snow. No transport apart from a few tubes, and I'm already suffering from cabin fever.

    WV - ungelta. How appropriate.

  5. Anonymous10:27 am

    I valiantly fought my way in to the office this morning to find that it wasn't yet open (no keyholders had arrived) and we were all being told to go home in case we couldn't make it later. So I got to fight my way home again and am now trying to log into the VPN while replenishing my energy supplies with coffee and chocolate shortbread.

    No busses, no or few tubes on most lines, and no or few trains. You'd have been lucky to make it past Reading, and you don't want to get stranded in the wilds of Berkshire.

  6. Bah, it's really sunny here, just to rub it in.

  7. Wasn't going to comment on the sunny weather in Cornwall, but found I couldn't resist when the wv is sheesh...

  8. Cor, now there is mad snizzle! (snow)

  9. Anonymous6:22 pm

    Don't believe any of them. It's an elaborate ruse by BBC Drama to protect them from writerly anger following the nixing of Rock.

    Dudes have been dropping white polystyrene over Greater London since 6pm yesterday, and the temp is a balmy 30 degrees.

    *dons tin-foil hat*

  10. Anonymous7:21 pm

    5 inches of the stuff in Bishops Stortford and we have a new member of the family out in the back garden called Bert.

    Tried to park my car on our relatively steep drive last night and discovered that leaving it in gear and handbrake full on would not prevent it from sliding back down into the road - Aghhh. Mr Imo had to come to the rescue with a broom to sweep while I pathetically chucked the keys at him and disappeared inside.

  11. Anonymous5:50 am

    Nothing but sunny skies over here..maybe you should all plan to come up this way. Daniel Molano


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