Friday, January 23, 2009

Spooky Coraline Trailer

The most interesting one, I think - seems closest to the spirit of the book so far:


  1. Anonymous9:20 pm

    Fantastic. That looks absolutely spot on.

  2. Anonymous2:58 am

    *sigh* I really wanted to adapt this one myself. BUT, at least ole H. Selick is a likely pair of hands to do justice to its spookyookiness - maybe?

    However - where be the talking cat?? Him vital!!

  3. Definitely seen the talking cat in some of the other trailers.

  4. "Hey mum! Where does this door go?"

    If I had to guess, into John Malkovitch's head...

  5. Anonymous4:55 pm

    Phew! Even a terrifying cine-camera-headed man ain't no replacement for an oracular moggy. Every household should have one!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I believe the appropriate noise is 'squee'.

  8. Wow - I am not familiar with the source material (*internet shame*) but that looks a LOT darker than the other trailers I saw.

    Also - how good is Teri Hatcher's voice? I did not expect that.

  9. Boz - I can get you a copy of the book fer free if you like. I know, I know, my generosity is just overwhelming. OK, I've got 2 copies on my office shelf but still...

  10. I used to have a spare copy myself, but I gave it to AS Byatt. TRUE STORY.

  11. Good god. What with this and you touching Felicity Kendal's bottom I'm beginning to think you're a real friend to the stars. Or a stalker.

  12. It wasn't on the same day (although it was in the same building). I should explain I was just setting up Flic's radio mic for the interview at Waterstone's before an audience of about a hundred people.

    I very very nearly forgot to tell her to switch it off before she popped to the loo, or there would have been a terrible 'opening of Naked Gun 3' style start to the proceedings...

    We didn't really call her 'Flic', by the way.


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