Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Toy-Fu - Parte the Firste

The rest of the first chunk/chapter/bit of toy-fu now has its own site at toy-fu.com. It doesn't so much end as... stop, but I'll start some new stuff soon. People seemed to respond to it (and notice little tiny bits even I'd forgotten I'd put in, like some of the more lurking spiders), which is great. I really must learn to take better photos though.

More animated stuff: an excellent video for The Arcade Fire's Neighborhood 3 - Power Out (via stereogum). They had me at the 'looking up into the snow' moment, frankly. I'm a big fan of simple, cartoonish characters against realistic, textured backgrounds (like Tintin, although I disapproved of the animated versions, as they seemed ironically flat and lifeless compared to the books. Scott McCloud could probably tell me why).

And Funeral is undoubtedly the best album I've heard so far this year. Lovelovelovelove it. I want there to be a proper chamber pop music festical. All indoors, a wide variety of teas, and lots of frockcoats. And proper toilet facilities, with polite queing.

I keep thinking about the Neo-Victorians in Neal Stephenson's 'The Diamond Age', and the more I think about it, the more I want to go and live there. All the nice bits of Empire, with none of the ghastliness. Maybe it all stems from an Arcade Fire concert. The gentlest, most polite revolution in history...


  1. Anonymous2:40 pm

    Yes! Bookmark-a-go-go. Oh wow there's more too!
    I'm going to say at this point that I think I've still completely missed the joke/story in 'Tower' though. *acute embarrassment*

  2. Anonymous2:42 pm

    P.S. Aaaaah. Do more of him leaning against things.

  3. I agree totally about Arcade Fire.

    I went to see them in Bristol a couple of weeks ago. I would have enjoyed it if I'd actually managed to go on the right night.

    I'm a tit.

    Still, got it to look forward to in May.



  4. Herge, how amazing that you should leave a comment to James's post that talks about Tintin.
    That stentorian voice saying, 'Hergé's Adventures of Tintin' scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. More than the Daleks even.

    And thanks, Patroclus, for the accent advice, so essential above. I've now become completely blasé about it.

  5. Anonymous7:27 pm

    All the nice bits of Empire, with none of the ghastliness.

    Exactly how I feel about it.

  6. Cello, who the hells is tintin?

    Only joking, hadn't noticed, saw the link for Arcade Fire and I was downloading baby.

    As it happens my name is pronounced like Serge not at all la di da like Hergé.

    BTW the Arcade Fire vid is good.

  7. Hmmm... not really up on plays - is this for an audition piece? I can certainly ask around for you....

  8. 'The Bear' by Chekhov, is, I think, both funny and in one act. Just 3 people too. Perfect for taking to the Edinburgh Festioval fringe in fact!

  9. Excellent news bella! Start with Snow Crash or Cryptonomicon, though. I found The Diamond Age a bit impenetrable at first (which meant I gave up, so I still haven't read it. Shame on me.)


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