Sunday, April 24, 2005

Toy-Fu 12 - Jacuzzi


  1. Anonymous3:55 pm

    I'm intuiged to know what that spider/reptile thingy is on the shelf in picture five. Otherwise it's very funny :)

  2. It's less a spider/reptile than it is a spider/spider. And well spotted.

  3. Anonymous8:17 am

    I presume it's going to be doing some limb-nibbling in a later story?

  4. Anonymous10:21 am

    love toy-fu. have started to collect it now.

    by the way, is that steve merchant (the office) as the lab geek in green wing's episode 6?

  5. Yes, and I wrote that bit, so I was very pleased. In fact I read that part in rehearsals, and sort of fluffed the last line ('Don't leave, I think I love you') so it was nice to see a pro get on with it.

  6. It will be v. soon. Will post to such an effect when that glorious new dawn arises.

  7. Did you arrange the books before taking the snaps?

    Are they your best books?


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