Sunday, April 03, 2005

Toy-Fu 1 - Thursday

There's something faintly mystical about the fact that this works (as a jpeg I mean, not in humorous terms, that's much more debatable). Not just that, but to get the picture to fit, I had to alter the blog template to widen the main bit slightly, and that worked too. I am slightly freaked out now, because I didn't have to call Matt once (although I'm sure he felt a disturbance in the force, as though one small voice cried out 'hmmm... no wait, I've got it', and was still).


  1. It had to be you to spot and comment, didn't it? It's aloe vera gel, which an excellent combined moisturiser/anti-septic, and yes, I wish I'd though to remove it. It's in the background of the next few as well.

    Thank god I remove 'The Pope must die' video off the shelf, that's all I can say.

  2. Echoes of an old Punch cartoon. Two hippopotamuses (-mi?)standing by a river bank and one saying 'I keep thinking it's Tuesday'. A man stormed into the office of the then editor, Malcolm Muggeridge, demanding to know what was funny about it. Anyway, I think it's funny, as is your artwork.

  3. Anonymous9:14 pm

    Oh god. That is my working life. Down to looking for spiders. (I would like to point out I'm not a plastic dinosaur or suchlike, despite behaviour)
    Please tell me you have one of those fluffy yellow easter chicks for the next one? Please?

  4. Now more hippopotami began to convene on the banks of that river so wide. I wonder, now what am I to say of the scene that ensued by the Shalimar side? They dived all at once with an ear-splitting splosh, then rose to the surface again; a regular army of hippopotami all singing this haunting refrain...

    You know the rest, I'm sure.


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