Thursday, April 14, 2005

Strange animated/puppety things

Originally uploaded by jamesandthebluecat.
Just working through a phase of trying to cram puppets into every single project I'm currently working on (including a new sitcom spec script I've just finished about evening classes), so it seems only right to guide you o gentle reader, to the new video by Mercury Rev, called In a Funny Way, and this piece of creepy-ass weirdness called The Cat With Hands.

Also, Learn to breakdance via Flash Animation


  1. Anonymous4:37 pm

    Even into the Viking Heist Movie?

  2. Yup. No Vikings vs sock puppets though.

    That's in the 'evening class' sitcom.

  3. Anonymous9:38 am

    Hi James,

    Sifting through Friday morning's papers in the Mencap press office and -lo and behold - I see that Carol Vorderman has listed you as one of the UK's top bloggers in the Daily Mirror...Is this a PR wheeze, or is Carol a regular reader of your blog?

    Neil (ex-Canterburian & follower of 'Rufus the Baptist')

  4. Ahahahaha!

    "Blogging, thought by many to be a time-wasting pastime carried out by egomaniacs..."

    The words 'Bang to" and "rights" come to mind. Marvellous. But no, it's not a PR thing (well, not by me), and I have no idea who reads this blog unless they comment, or link to me.

    Thanks for letting me know though - v. funny.

  5. Also - you're 'Neily' Neil! Just twigged - hello m'darlin'. Hope you're well. Glad you have embraced the cult o'Rufus as well. Still only just getting into Want Two though, as possibly I prefer his earlier, funnier work...

    I still love you Roof, it's ok.

  6. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Congratulations on the Mirror thing, I trust your head is well and truly turned by Ms Vorderman's attentions?


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