Saturday, April 16, 2005

Don't stop moving (everybody's groovin')

Many thanks to Matt (aka Gandalf) from precise minds who tidied up the design here for me, as incorporating the toy-fu stuff knocked everything else slightly out of whack. But it's all back in whack now. Magic stuff.

Just put the first ten pages of my 'evening class' sitcom up - over here. It's an attempt to crack the narrative/sketch format, and at the same time include puppets and vikings. And trannies as well, just to make sure it's the biggest costume budget of all time. Ah well, I go where the story tells me.

Very pleased to hear David Tennant's been confirmed as the new Doctor Who - a little frisson ran through the GW office when we heard that news, unless a frisson is a kind of dog, in which case it didn't. But yes, having come rather late to the Casanova party (and never having seen him in anything else) I think David Tennant would suit the part down to the ground. Or in fact a rather different part, as a big chunk of the joy of Doctor Who (from the production point of view) must surely be that every now and then you can completely re-invent the character. And the setting. And the rest of the cast.


  1. I like Christopher Ecclestone as the Doctor, but... demented Chuckle brother? SO TRUE! Hee!

  2. Yes, as you may have read James on the C4 forum, I have been a bit of a David Tennant fan since 'Blackpool', let alone 'Casanova'. In fact if you squint hard and look at him through a red Quality Street wrapper (coconut fancy I think) he looks unnervingly like JRT.

    The 'out of whack' comment...would it be correct to see any sort of common authorship to the locker room scene (a personal favourite), where the graph was sent all out of whack?

  3. Ah no, not me. I was thinking of 'Dead men don't wear plaid'...

  4. Yes, he did the geeky-sexy thing in The Quatermass Experiment. Maybe that's where they got the idea for him to be the next Doctor.

  5. I'm not a big fan of Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor either.

    This is the bandwagon, isn't it? I haven't accidentally jumped onto the phaeton or anything?

    David Tennant, though, is lovely. He has a sort of sexy-version-of-Peter-Falk vibe (can't believe I just said 'vibe' in all seriousness).

  6. I'm not hugely keen on Eccleston's Dr either. Also I think the prog generally is a bit clichéd, it's like they've taken bits of sci-fi/horror films and then stuck them all together. But I bet no one else agrees with me on that one. Heheh.

  7. oh no housemate michelle will be v. upset - she wanted to be the next Dr Who...well he can take any human form after all!

  8. Peter Falk is the sexy version of Peter Falk surely?


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