Thursday, April 21, 2005


Congratulations to Jonathan Whitehead who's just been nominated for a 'Television Craft' BAFTA for his brilliant music on Green Wing, for which I keep meaning to give him proper credit, but never do, and Pippa Haywood (aka Joanna Clore), who's up for a Rose D'or.

While this is all getting luvved-up and speechified, I now want to thank Laura and Kate, who last night brought me respectively: drinks and a dictionary of obscure nautical phrases. Oddly enough I found my (new) hotel quite easily last night whilst slightly tiddly, but then got completely lost this morning and ended up wandering around Bayswater Park, which is quite a nice park, but still. Unless I imagined finding the hotel last night and actually slept in a tree, which is not un-plausible.

I also want to give belated thanks (I'm getting into this now) to Kt who sent me a fantastic birthday CD with all sorts of melodic and choral loveliness, including the full cover of 'When Doves Cry' by her band Touchwood. They're coming over in 2006, and I will be both listening to them, and drinking beer, maybe alternately, maybe both at the same time, I haven't decided yet.

Also, Matt/Precise-Minds/Gandalf's got a blog. It's very good, and has a very pretty graphic/heading/title thing/thing. Soon, Cornish weblogs will devour the world. But in a nice way. So go and say hello.

*"These cut through the fore-part of the knee of the head, between the cheeks**, for the admission of the bobstay; they are not much used now, as chain bobstays are almost universal, which are secured to plates by shackles."

** Steady.


  1. Anonymous10:28 am

    Pippa Haywood. Not Heyward. You may be thinking of Nick Heyward, be-jumpered singer/guitarist of Haircut 100, who was also quite funny, but never nominated for a Rose D'Or (as far as I know). I will get Pippa to refer to you henceforth as Jaims Heynnrie.

  2. Ooops. Duly amended. Sorry Pippa.

  3. Anonymous11:51 am

    Still wrong. How can I get any work done if I have to keep correcting your spelling?

  4. You're just making stuff up now.

  5. Great to see Pippa recognised.

    Do you know when the Rose d'Or programme will shortlist be announced, or have I missed it? I see Green Wing is on the long list.

  6. Tee-hee! I always grin whenever I see Pippa Haywood's name 'cause she used to go to my school. I'm sad, I know. Anyway, yeah, she's got an entire section of noticeboard to herself with newpaper clippings and so on. There's no mention of her being on GW, possibly due to the copious amount of swears. Wouldn't want the Big Bad Influence corrupting the children now would we!

  7. cello - don't know the shortlist I'm afraid. Saw Pippa last night though, and she was very pleased.

    and lizzy - yes, I can see why the GW highlights aren't on the noticeboard..


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