Monday, April 18, 2005


Stop me if I'm going on about it...

Many many thanks to everyone who voted (particularly the C4 and LiveJournal forums). You guys. And didn't Tamsin look pretty? Not at all like a puffin, as she stated in her Observer interview, although I too, have always been mad for puffins.

You may have spotted me on stage last night, clear skin glowing, my aubern tresses freshly curled, wearing a really rather posh frock from- no, wait, that was Fay. In fact I didn't get to my hotel til late last night, so I shall look forward to the fabulous gossip from Fay and Ori who scrubbed up lovely, I thought. And I shall tell them as much when they arrive. They might be a bit late late though, as they'll be weighed down by the MASSIVE BAFTA** AWARD.

Sorry. And more seriously, well-done Vic, who did, frankly take a bit of a risk on this one (and not just by letting me quit the day job). She done well, and we all heart her very much.

I'm in the office bright and early and am slightly freaked out to see the writers' room has been thoroughly tidied, and the table pushed to one side to make way for the editing suite. Always a scary moment when you're still writing the thing. Now, how to end... how to end...

* Actually was it a BAFTA? Or was it a Pioneer Award? Or both? Confused. I will look into this.
** See *

NB: excellent photo here (well, click on to 6 of 12) of half the GWers grinning madly while the other half try and repair the backdrop they accidentally pulled down. For some reason that makes me even madder with pride than the award.


  1. Any chance of you taking a photo of your enormous award and posting it here? We all want to do a bit of worshipping at the shrine, sort of thing. And I think Mr Yakimoto deserves a part in Series 2.

  2. Well I have got my camera on me, so unless Rob left it in a strip club last night (always a possibility) I'll try and get a photo up at some point.

  3. Anonymous9:50 am

    I shrieked with joy, the cat streaked out of the room.

  4. Congratulations to all of you. The People Have Spoken.
    It's almost enough to make you believe in democracy.

  5. Anonymous10:29 am

    Congrats on the Award : especially as it's a "People's choice" one.

    Now, can you explain something to me? Do you all get a statuette, or do you have to pass it round in a strict rota (ie one month on your sideboard, next month someone else's)?

    It's something that's always puzzled me about awards.

  6. He was actually called Mr Katani, I now recall. Hope I haven't made a terrible diplomatic gaffe.

  7. Congrats. I hope you're dead chuffed.

    I didn't see the show. Did your acceptance speech begin:

    "I came all the way from Cornwall for THIS...?"

  8. Ooh, congregizzles!! :-)

    Glad you lot won!

  9. Anonymous5:12 pm

    Hooray! finally the 'wing wins an award. Justice does exist!

  10. Anonymous5:23 pm

    By the way there are lots more pictures of all of them pulling the set down/grinning madly/trying to put the set back up here, you have to type 'bafta green wing' in the search box. I think there's twelve in total.

    *is still on GW-BAFTA high*

  11. Anonymous7:11 pm

    those are some hot photos!

    mark heap is completely different without a moustache. its quite staggering.

    the pioneer award doesn't look much like the other bafta awards. it looks a hell of alot more transparent, fragile, shiny, and therefore expensive. Good show Green Wing!

    In closing, STEVE HOLT!

  12. Excellent news James, congratulations!

  13. Anonymous7:25 pm

    those are some hot photos!

    mark heap is completely different without a moustache. its quite staggering.

    the pioneer award doesn't look much like the other bafta awards. it looks a hell of alot more transparent, fragile, shiny, and therefore expensive. Good show Green Wing!

    In closing, STEVE HOLT!

  14. Wow I just love that photo! it's so funny that the background fell down, sort of in spirit with the madness of the programme hehehe.

  15. So when do we get to see you at the glamorous award shows?

    I'm disappointed that you're not the rather hirsute gentlemen who was sat in the audience next to all of your colleagues and who was applauding particularly vigorously when you won.


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