Other presents: a proper 'Scrubs' top from The Mighty Evans, which if were to wear with my special congratulatory Green Wing watch would present a telecomedic crossover reality breach so powerful that... something odd would happen. Haven't worked out what yet.
Possibly my fave birthday present came from my mum though, who gave me: a bar of ASDA chocolate and an oven glove*. This cracked me right up, and I'm still not quite sure why. Perhaps it was the way she'd tied the carrier bag handles together so technically, I still got to open it. Magic.
Dinosaur puppet was from BM, who bought it in January, and has spent the intervening months fretting, not unreasonably, that I might buy it myself first.
* And some coriander. I forgot the coriander.
Many happy belated returns.
Loving the dinosaur.
Only one oven glove?
(Also, happy birthday.)
Happy birthday! Many happy returns of the day.
Are those teeth real??
very good dinosaur, very good. maybe he (she?) could star in a webcomic of his/her own...?
just saw the second episode, and i have to ask: who is the author of Statham's off the cuff poem at the evening class.
I shall be learning it by heart.
"carrier pigeon!! OOHHhhaww!
So, is the dinosaur also the oven glove?
No, although they're similar colours, so I must try not to get confused..
Thank you for birthday congratulations, I worked very hard to get to my 33rd birthday, and so I deserve them.
I believe the pigeon poem was by Richard - it feels quite Richardy anyway.
Happy Birthday James! Enjoy.
I don't think the pigeon poem was by me. A very happy late birthday from London, where the pavements are paved with paving.
Happy Birthday - cool dinosaur! My mum bought me a hammer drill that I'm worried about using in case I clip an electric cable and fry. I would have preferred an oven glove (and some coriander)...
Please may I be the last person to wish you a very happy birthday? Until next year, that is.
33, eh? Nice topical age with Easter coming up.
The carrier pigeon poem was written, I think, by Fay's dad; at least in part. So there should really have been an additional material credit for that. Tragically it did not survive intact; every second counts in the edit, and one line got butchered.
Full text:
"Carrier pigeon, carrier pigeon, bringer of disease. Oh gnarled claw, hobbling, disease eating away at your very being. Look out, a car! Too ill to fly, thud..dead..no I.C.U for you." (STATHAM does flatline)
Magic - thanks Rob.
Happy Birthday, am v jealous re birthday dinosaur. Want one.
thanks for the full poem.
seeing this written as it was (probably) in the script makes me marvel at Mr Heap's performance all the more.
Ooo another 33-er - that's why we loves Life on Mars so Much - we woz born then.
Happy Birthday, oh he who is far more talented than me.
you should be really pleased about that dinosaur, because my grand-dad got me a pencil for my birthday. and really late "happy birthday"-words.
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